FOCUS: Bridging to the gospel when responders have fairly strong opinions.  


1)     Summary of session #1

2)     Overview of Levels of Witnessing.

3)     Overview of Flow of Conversation

4)     Starting from the beginning

     a)     Relationships

     b)     Review Bridges to spiritual conversation

5)     Moving toward the gospel

     a)     Transitioning when asking questions and don’t know what to say. (5 second answers) Model, role play (5 second answers) 2-3 min, switch.

          i)      If responder answers in a way you don’t know how to proceed.

               (1)   Thank them for sharing.

               (2)   Say something like “that’s interesting,”

          ii)    After getting as far as you can.

               (1)   Ask if you can share what you believe.

               (2)   Or, hand them a tract.

     b)     “My Story” presentation ( I was, then, now I’m...)

6)     Sharing with those who have belief systems, getting a bit deeper than session #1.  

     a)     Keep the conversation in their world as long as possible.

     b)     Asking questions about their belief system focusing on

          1)     Entrance into a perfect heaven

               i)      Differences.

                   (1)   Other religions:  Man reaching up to God, dead flawed leaders

                   (2)   Christianity:  God reaching down to man, Jesus perfect and alive, price paid for sin.

              ii)    How do they enter heaven?

             iii)   Are they sure to enter heaven?

          2)     Foundation of their beliefs. What makes them sure of their basis?

7)     Sharing with those who have a secular belief system and answer “What do you think will happen when you die?”

     a)     Atheists “Nothing.  There is no God.” Model, role play (read “The Test”) 2-3 min, switch.

     b)     Agnostics “I don’t know.  I’m an agnostic.”

8) Continue to do your homework.

     a)     Should you wish to use it, flesh out “My story” bridges.

     b)     Write out a personal testimony using guidelines and memorize the outline.

     c)     Choose a gospel presentation and memorize it.